Blog News!!!

You still can read my tRip sToRies despite several months of silence on the photo side. But I'll be back to that veRy sOon.
* * *
There are really inSpirational pEople around here! One name actually: Rankin. His eXhibiTion in Brick Lane is sTunNing!

Friday 28 August 2009

Rankin Live Exhibition

What about having a Quick Rank?

Go to the Rankin exhibition in The Old Truman Brewery in Brick Lane, London (click here for website/directions).
The exhibition shows the best part of his work between fashion, portraits, beauty, but also works on himself... very intimate... very creative! Rankin is doing a new project called Rankin Live. So British!
Have a look at his website if you don't remember what he's done!

Tuesday 16 June 2009

We need some activity here

This blog is pretty dull these days. Sorry but I am not working with my camera these days.
I might come back soon. I have a new photo project in mind. Just a question of days and I should be able to say more. Of course, it will be Black & White. It will be in London and it should be very emotional.
I hope that I will find my Mojo back, after all this time without shooting!
But one says that it's like bicycle... But on bicycle, one can fall... Please not that!

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Coastal Quebec 2007

Tadoussac is a beautiful little town in the Saguenay-Saint-Laurent in the Quebec Province of Canada. Despite the touristic dimension of the place, the late summer season is the perfect time to enjoy this piece of even and to spot the remarkable whales and dolphins that live in the Saint Laurent.
Some shots of Sea, Red and Sun.
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Wednesday 20 June 2007

Shanghai & Beijing

A business trip to Shanghai and Beijing gave me the opportunity to discover the new China. Alain Peyrefitte, French writer and member of the Academie Francaise, wrote his famous book "Quand la Chine s'eveillera" in 1975 predicting that China would wake up one day and surprise the whole world.
It seems to be the case. China is waking up and changing very fast. I had the chance during this trip to capture some pictures of the new world offered to the youth and the old world where life has the taste of melancoly.
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Tuesday 1 May 2007

Afghanistan 1979

My father went to Afghanistan in 1979 with a group of friends for a trek through the country, from Kabul to the Panjir valley. They met amazing people, discovered beautiful landscapes and fell in love with the culture. Six months later the Russians were there, followed by the Taliban and the Americans. This country will never be the same...
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Tuesday 17 April 2007

Buenos Aires

A trip to Argentina for a Business Project with friends.
The discovery of a city, people and a real life style.
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Monday 16 April 2007


Imagine a trip in Vietnam in March 2002 with a backpack, on your own, between Sapa and Hanoi.
Imagine almost three weeks with only your cameras and a few dollars in your pocket but with a huge appetite for adventure and encounters.
Imagine the colours of Eastern Asia suddenly captured in Black & White, in the little box, immobile, for ever.
Find out more about the story on
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