Blog News!!!

You still can read my tRip sToRies despite several months of silence on the photo side. But I'll be back to that veRy sOon.
* * *
There are really inSpirational pEople around here! One name actually: Rankin. His eXhibiTion in Brick Lane is sTunNing!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

We need some activity here

This blog is pretty dull these days. Sorry but I am not working with my camera these days.
I might come back soon. I have a new photo project in mind. Just a question of days and I should be able to say more. Of course, it will be Black & White. It will be in London and it should be very emotional.
I hope that I will find my Mojo back, after all this time without shooting!
But one says that it's like bicycle... But on bicycle, one can fall... Please not that!

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